Community Engagement

MAY 2022

Sustained Operations Project Open House

Our Sustained Operations Project team will be hosting an open house regarding the mine's Environment Effects Statement (EES) at Axedale Community Hall on Thursday 19 May at 5-7pm. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), who issued the draft scoping requirements, will also be in attendance.

The session will be an open and informal drop-in session, providing community members with an opportunity to obtain information about the EES process and the Sustained Operations Project.

The main purpose of the event is to provide the community with information around two aspects of the EES, including:

• a description of all the project components; and

• the scoping requirement process and how to make a submission.

The Project Description for the Fosterville Gold Mine Sustained Operations Project Environment Effects Statement (EES) has been finalised. DELWP have issued the draft scoping requirements for public comment between 18 May until to 7 June and will be attending the open house to answer questions on the process.

Members from FGM will be present to talk to the project components such as:

- Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF),

- Underground mining, and

- Carbon in Leach (CIL) hardstands.

Come along to the open house to find out how you can comment on the draft scoping requirements, make a submission to DELWP and find out about the project components of the sustained operations project.

For more info, please download the flyer below.