An Environment Review Committee (ERC) is a group of stakeholders who review the environmental performance of a mine or quarry.
The purpose of FGM’s ERC is to facilitate effective two-way communication and build knowledge to promote better understanding of the mining operation between key stakeholders, including the community, FGM and regulators. Although the ERC does not have a legislative basis, it provides an opportunity for stakeholders and the community to state concerns and seek clarification from FGM on its operations. FGM’s ERC provides opportunities to explore alternative strategies, establish relationships, and build on industry and community commonalities.
The scope of FGM’s ERC includes, but is not limited to, the following aspects:
Environment Review Representatives
Fosterville Gold Mine's Environment Review Committee consists of representatives from the community, FGM and state regulatory authorities, including Earth Resources Regulation (ERR), Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning (DEWLP), Goulburn Murray Water (GMW) and the City of Greater Bendigo Council.
There are currently three community representatives who sit on Fosterville Gold Mine's Environment Review Committee: Ian Ralston, Ashleigh Neil and Jon Constable.
ERC meetings are held four times per year and are facilitated by an independent chair. The minutes from the quarterly ERC meetings cover key aspects of presentations, discussions and any actions.
The Environment and Community (E&C) Snapshot is a summary of our environmental and community performance for the quarter.
The E&C Snapshot Fact Sheet is a guide to the information presented.
E&C SNAPSHOT FACT SHEETERC community representatives are appointed through an expression of interest process with vacancies advertised locally. Nominees are required to complete an ERC Application Form to register their interest and these applications are reviewed and appointed via an independent selection panel. Applications will be assessed against key selection criteria and the applicants’ ability to fulfil the ERC Member Role and Responsibilities, as defined in Section 4 of the terms of reference.
ERC membership will include up to three community representatives, reflecting a breadth of interests and stakeholder groups. It is intended that collectively FGM’s ERC community representatives will represent the range of views and opinions held within the local community.
We recommend you read the Terms of Reference or contact us for further details.