Community Notification
APRIL 2022
Fosterville Gold Mine (FGM), is planning a future exploration drilling program within public road reserves in Kamarooka, Kamarooka North and Milloo. The drilling forms part of FGM’s regional exploration program and will commence in early May 2022.
The drill holes will be located between roadsides and the adjacent private property boundary, on road reserves managed by Council. Working Within Road Reserve permits from Bendigo, Campaspe and Loddon Shire Councils will administer all works undertaken in the road reserve. The exploration activities are planned within exploration license area EL006502 permitted by Earth Resources Regulation. The drill sites have been inspected by Dja Dja Wurrung representatives to ensure the selected sites are clear of any items of cultural significance.
Drilling is planned along the following roadsides, as shown in the attached map:
The program will utilise an Air Core (AC) drill rig that returns fragmented rock chips to the surface via high pressure air circulation. A rapid method of low-impact exploration, it is anticipated between one and four AC holes will be drilled and grouted each day. Up to 170 drill holes are proposed for the program which is expected to occur for a period of 2 to 3 months, weather permitting. For more information about Air Core Drilling, read our fact sheet here: Air Core Drilling Factsheet
Among other things, the drill sites have been selected to not inhibit access to farm gates, not obstruct drainage pathways to dams, and to avoid buried utilities, including irrigation lines. A stand-off distance greater than 300m will be observed between all drill sites and homes. Drilling will only occur between 7am and 5pm, Monday to Saturday. FGM personnel will undertake periodic noise monitoring at the nearest sensitive receptors to ensure exploration activities comply with regulatory noise limits. On completion, holes will be grouted to 1m below surface and then backfilled with native soil/material from the site.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information provided above, please contact FGM’s Community Team on 03 5439 9000,, or drop in to the Kamarooka Hall on Saturday 30th April between 9am and 12pm for a chat to the FGM Team.