Community Notification

MAY 2024

Environmental Update – 10 May 2024

At Fosterville Gold Mine, we take a proactive approach to environmental management and strive for continuous improvement in our environmental performance. 

Following a significant project to rehabilitate and cap the remanent heap leach stacks and cover existing CIL (Carbon-In-Leach) hardstands, FGM recently progressed hydroseeding (a planting process that uses a slurry of seed and dust suppressant) of this area. 

This work is a part of routine dust management controls applied to our CIL tailings precinct which also includes the application of dust suppressant on exposed surfaces (both active and inactive), regular water application to trafficked areas, and restricting works during unfavourable conditions. 

Following an EPA (Environment Protection Authority) site inspection, further opportunities to improve our existing dust management controls at the CIL tailings precinct were identified, which have now been documented in an EPA Improvement Notice.

The notice provides direction on additional capping of exposed batters and bund walls to further mitigate the potential for dust.

Planning of this work is currently underway in consultation with the EPA. 

For further information on FGM’s air quality management and monitoring program, please click here.

We encourage any community members with questions or concerns to contact the FGM Community Team on 03 5439 9000 or