Community grants


Community Grants Committee thanks inaugural member Maurie

This year, an inaugural member of the FGM Community Grants Committee, popular local, Maurie Sharkey, decided to call it a day after 17 years of volunteering on the committee.

To mark the occasion, Maurie attended the last Community Grants awards ceremony in November where FGM’s General Manager, Lance Faulkner paid tribute to the community insight that he contributed to the committee over the years.

As a long-term resident of the Bagshot-Goornong area, Maurie was quick to recognise the strength and importance of community organisations in regional communities and said that he was glad to have been able to contribute over the years.

“You won’t find it written anywhere but living in a rural area comes with an accountability and an acceptance to be involved in making things happen in your community,” explained Maurie.

FGM is now taking expressions of interest from community members who would be interested in being part of the Community Grants Committee. More information about this can be found here

Maurie and Lance at the Fosterville Community Grants presentation.